These brave, compassionate and determined families are our on-going inspiration each and every day.
Carolyn Hanes and Judy Pender
Not only do sisters, Carolyn Hanes and Judy Pender live close to one another in their home state of Louisiana, their hearts are also closely intertwined with deep affection and tenderness. Carolyn, a wife and mother, began her battle with cancer in the spring of 2016 with “terrible dizziness and severe headaches”, she says. She ...
The Tipton Family – Halo House’s 200th Guest Family!
Julie & Devonn Tipton were your average, all-American family in Grenada, Mississippi, when Julie found out she had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2015. A wife, and mother of three children, Julie is also a nursing instructor, did part-time work at a hospital in labor and delivery, and she and her husband were youth leaders at their ...
The Croman Family
Terry Croman was diagnosed with T Cell Leukemia in September 2014. Originally from the small town of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Terry and Beth decided to come to MD Anderson for Terry to receive a stem cell transplant. Before coming to Halo House, Terry and Beth stayed at a motel near the hospital as well as ...
The Bass Family
Eleven years ago Ronn and Kelli were put in a tough situation when Ronn was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Unfortunately, the young couple was dealt a more devastating blow when a doctor ordered a chest X-ray, which revealed a mass in Ronn’s chest. The diagnosis was Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ronn received treatment for the lymphoma in Nacogdoches, ...
Michelin Lipinski
Michelin is a remarkable woman. Not only is she beautiful, kind, and fun, she has given birth to 10 children who were between the ages of 3 and 19 years when she stayed at Halo House. You will often find her surrounded by the kids, sharing stories and laughter, or “holding court” as her husband, ...